Hbr 10 Must Reads on Change Management Pdf Free Download

Workplace Stress ManagementStress is a factor in 7 out of the top 10 causes of death worldwide, and the workplace is an important contributor (Quick & Henderson, 2016).

An American Psychological Association survey institute that 31% of staff felt stressed out during their workday (cited in Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).

Help is available. Workplace stress direction and wellness programs can help reduce the degree and impact of stress and restore an employee's depleted psychological resources (Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).

This article explores what we mean past workplace stress management and introduces mechanisms and activities that can provide relief and help staff cope.

Before you continue, nosotros thought you might like to download our three Stress & Exhaustion Prevention Exercises (PDF) for gratis. These science-based exercises will equip you and your clients with tools to manage stress ameliorate and find a healthier balance in your life.

What Is Workplace Stress Management?

The relationship betwixt the workplace and our psychological, cognitive, and physiological responses to stress is complex, impacted by "a broad set of occupational and piece of work demands likewise every bit ecology stressors" (Quick & Henderson, 2016, p. 2).

And nonetheless, our stress response at piece of work can typically be attributed to ane of the following 4 workplace demands (Quick & Henderson, 2016):

  • Task demands
    Job insecurity, workload, occupation, etc.
  • Part demands
    Role disharmonize and ambiguity
  • Concrete demands
    Workplace, lighting, and temperature
  • Interpersonal demands
    Staff density, leadership mode, and personality conflicts

Workplace stress management (WSM) has been significantly influenced by the theory of preventive stress management, introduced in 1979, which proposes that it is not the stimuli that decide the degree of stress experienced by the private, but the individual's response to those stressors (Hargrove, Quick, Nelson, & Quick, 2011).

Over the years, many theoretical frameworks and organizational health programs that fall under the umbrella term of WSM accept been proposed to empathize occupational stress and employee wellbeing. WSM aims to understand specific stressors and take positive steps to reduce their effects (Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).

WSM interventions are typically divided into three types:

  • Primary
    Proactive and involved in preventing stress and promoting employee wellbeing (including health programs, conflict direction, etc.)
  • Secondary
    Proactive and reactive, to help remove risk factors (including coping skills, employee fettle programs, job redesign)
  • Tertiary
    Reactive, for employees who need help (including counseling, employee assist programs, and Cerebral-Behavioral Therapy)

Stress interventions include (modified from Tetrick & Winslow, 2015):

  • Cognitive-behavioral interventions
    Primary and secondary interventions. Changing cognitions and reinforcing active coping skills.
  • Relaxation techniques
    Secondary and tertiary interventions. Physical and mental relaxation techniques to assist cope with the consequences of stress.
  • Multimodal programs
    Secondary interventions. Acquiring passive and active coping skills. They consist of a combination of approaches, including relaxation and cognitive-behavioral skills.
  • Organization-focused interventions
    Mostly primary interventions, but some considered secondary. Organizational evolution and job redesign.
  • Individual-level interventions
    Secondary or tertiary interventions, including relaxation, meditation, and cognitive-behavioral skills preparation.
  • Organizational-level interventions
    Primary and secondary interventions, including changing working weather and employee participation.
  • Systems arroyo
    Master and secondary, combining individual and organizational interventions.

Such interventions are often used in combination to prevent, reduce, and cope with stress.

How to Forbid Stress at Work: iii Strategies

How to prevent stressPractical and effective main interventions can reduce or remove the need for secondary and 3rd interventions focused on recovery from stress (Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).

While many of the following strategies appear elementary, they require focus and commitment. Others foster a new mindset and alter how we relate to work and occupational stress.

1. Controlling your stress

Our brains are constantly flooded with increasing demands and data, causing us stress and reducing our ability to focus and solve problems.

There are many steps we tin can have to avoid or reduce stress, including promoting positive emotions, taking physical intendance of our brain, and becoming more organized (modified from Hallowell, 2014).

In general

  • Ensure y'all get adequate sleep (don't eat belatedly at night and reduce caffeine and alcohol intake).
  • Enjoy a balanced nutrition and stay hydrated.
  • Do throughout the week and go fourth dimension away from your desk-bound, preferably in nature.

At work

  • Schedule regular catch-ups with people you value.
  • Break large tasks into smaller ones.
  • Maintain a tidy piece of work environment.
  • Schedule some 'think fourth dimension' in your busy schedule.
  • Allocate time for dejeuner and take information technology away from your desk.
  • Recognize when you practice your best work. Plan your most demanding tasks for those times.
  • Walk around more, stand, or listen to music, depending on what works best for you.
  • Set up reminders for a 'hard stop' at the end of the workday.

2. When you feel overwhelmed

  • Boring yourself downwardly. When stressed, we often move into panic mode.
  • Take time to perform a calming do.
  • Motion effectually. Walk exterior or caput to the suspension room/kitchen.
  • Inquire for assist. Seek out people yous trust.

three. Managing your energy

Demanding jobs, long hours, and increasing workloads can leave us feeling emotional, disengaged, stressed, and exhausted (Schwartz & McCarthy, 2014).

Creating a serial of habits, practices, and rituals can promote your concrete, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy (modified from Schwartz & McCarthy, 2014).

Physical energy

  • Recognize times in the day when you experience tired or unable to concentrate. Step abroad from the desk, meet colleagues, or perform something interesting.
  • Aim to focus for xc to 120 minutes at a time, taking regular breaks.
  • Swallow smaller, lighter meals during the mean solar day to maintain energy.

Emotional energy

  • Practice abdominal breathing to manage negative emotions, such as irritability, anxiety, and impatience.
  • Limited gratitude and appreciation for others while adopting self-compassion for yourself.
  • Utilise a reverse lens to see a state of affairs from the other person'southward point of view. Use a long lens to consider how we might look at the issue in six months. Employ a wide lens to consider the bigger picture.

Mental energy

  • Switch off email and motion phones abroad to perform high-concentration tasks.
  • Schedule specific times in the day to answer and answer to emails.
  • At the end of each day, make a list of key actions for tomorrow.

Spiritual energy

  • Identify when you perform at your best. What strengths practice you enjoy using, and how can you employ them more oft?
  • On your commute habitation, or the final twenty minutes of your day when working remotely, relax. This may mean sitting mindfully or listening to music before returning to abode life.
  • Recognize your core values. Reflect on whether you are using and showing them to others effectually you. Find opportunities to be your authentic self.

Nosotros all take finite limits before reducing free energy levels and increasing stress interrupt what we can reach. Investing in healthy work habits can maintain productivity and functioning throughout the day.

2 Helpful Coping Mechanisms for Employees

How nosotros experience and handle stress changes its cognitive, emotional, and behavioral bear upon (Crum & Crum, 2018). The post-obit ii coping mechanisms offer practical approaches for managing stress in the workplace and can be implemented with little preparation.


Research has confirmed the success of mindfulness at reducing perceived stress and emotional exhaustion, and improving sleep quality and task satisfaction (Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).

While nosotros may sometimes recall of mindfulness as passive and accepting, information technology is often the first pace toward growth and change. While incredibly valuable for treatment life stresses, information technology is also powerful enough to enrich positive and happy times in our lives (Shapiro, 2020).

Mindfulness skillful Shauna Shapiro (2020) considers three points essential to mindfulness:

  • Intention – why nosotros pay attending
  • Attention – attending to the present
  • Mental attitude – how nosotros pay attention (pity, kindness, etc.)

A review of the literature confirms that mindfulness is a powerful and price-free approach to coping with stress (Shapiro, 2020).

Reframing stress

While we are familiar with the negative impacts of stress, we sometimes forget that achieving a stress-free life is unlikely and, peradventure, incommunicable (Crum & Crum, 2018).

We must recognize that some caste of stress is crucial to our personal and professional growth. Stress reminds the states that something is important to us, that we care.

People who adopt a "stress is enhancing" mindset rather than a "stress is debilitating" mindset perform better and feel fewer negative health consequences (Crum & Crum, 2018).

But how practice nosotros see stress differently?

We can rethink stress using the following three steps (Crum & Crum, 2018; Crum, Salovey, & Achor, 2013):

  1. See it
    Rather than deny stress, you must recognize and name the stress you are facing.

"I am stressed about my job interview."
"I am stressed about finals."

Acknowledging stress can help you move brain action from being automated and reactive to conscious and deliberate.

  1. Own it
    Recognize that what you are stressing near must exist important to you. "Owning this realization unleashes positive motivation" (Crum & Crum, 2018, p. 73).
  2. Use it
    Stress is not designed to kill us, but to boost our mind and body, and ready for the claiming ahead. Past reframing your stress response as something positive, such every bit eustress, you tin apply your heightened energy and awareness to improve your functioning.

Even with long-term, chronic stress at piece of work, you can recognize opportunities for learning, growth, or the motivation to alter yourself or your situation. While it may not always be possible, if you tin find a way to cover stress, it tin become a "powerful tool for helping yous overcome the inevitable challenges that can – and will – arise" (Crum & Crum, 2018, p. 75).

Stress Relief at Piece of work: iii Worksheets to Reduce Stress

Stress relief at workThe post-obit worksheets share the aforementioned goal: to reduce stress.

Identifying Your Stress Resources

Your resources (internal and external) provide a potentially limitless corporeality of support that will sustain you during challenging times and stressful situations (Niemiec, 2019).

The Identifying Your Stress Resources worksheet helps you recognize your resources and place how they can back up your strengths.

Stress Determination Framework

Controlling takes time. The effect of weighing up pros and cons uses upwardly precious resources and risks adding to an already stressful workload.

The Stress Decision Framework worksheet helps yous put controlling in context, aiming for a good plenty, not perfect, decision (Armstrong, 2019).

Vicious Versus Virtuous Stress Thinking

Stress is a choice, yet information technology is often perpetuated past negative (brutal) cycles of thinking (Armstrong, 2019).

Information technology doesn't have to be this way.

Using a cognitive-behavioral approach, it is possible to reframe unhelpful beliefs and thinking, and prefer a virtuous bicycle of thinking.

The Vicious Versus Virtuous Stress Thinking worksheet helps yous compare unhelpful and helpful thinking regarding an upshot (Armstrong, 2019).

3 Activities & Worksheets to Cope With Stress

Coping with stress tin can often exist about gaining command of what is – or, more importantly, what we perceive to be – within our control. The post-obit activities and exercises can help.

I-Hour Stress Plan

When nosotros feel overwhelmed, we get stressed, which can damage our focus and cloud our thinking. "Working within a limited time frame is of import because the race against fourth dimension keeps you focused" (Bregman, 2014, p. 157).

Use the One-Hr Stress Plan worksheet when stressed to program and work through what you lot can in 60 minutes. At the end of the 60 minutes, you will have progressed and tin repeat the exercise as many times every bit you like (modified from Bregman, 2014).

Stress every bit a Stimulus for Change

Sometimes stress is a skilful indication that something in your life needs to alter.

The Stress every bit a Stimulus for Change worksheet tin can capture what you wish to alter in your life and begin the transformation procedure.

Workplace Mindfulness

Mindfulness can be a powerful way to prefer a state of loving-kindness virtually yourself and others, and has significant benefits to how you lot handle stress (Shapiro, 2020; Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).

The Workplace Mindfulness worksheet can assist subtract stress and ameliorate workplace satisfaction through a serial of simple questions asked when relaxed and present.

How to Arts and crafts Prevention Programs & Workshops

Employee wellnessThere is no single approach that helps all employees manage their stress all the time.

Instead, a multimodal approach should exist considered when crafting prevention programs and workshops (Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).

Nigh likely, it volition be necessary to put in place learning and education that are both proactive and reactive.

Proactive interventions

Focus on preventing stress (removing risk factors) and promoting positive actions for all employees.

Interventions are likely to include:

  • Conflict direction
  • Employee health
  • Job redesign and the organization of piece of work
  • Coping skills
  • Employee fettle programs (for employees with known risk factors)

Reactive interventions

Focus on helping employees who demand assistance.

Interventions are likely to include:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
  • Rehabilitation after illness or returning to piece of work
  • Counseling
  • Employee assist programs

A multimodal approach combines multiple intervention styles and techniques, and can exist rolled out beyond the organization while focusing on the individual (Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).

Assessing Stress: 4 Questionnaires & Scales

The following questionnaires measure a respondent's electric current degree of stress and assess their risk of experiencing future stress.

Perceived Stress Scale

The Perceived Stress Scale is 1 of the nigh widely used measures of the perception of stress (Cohen, 1994; Cohen & Williamson, 1988).

The 10 questions are answered with a rating between 0 (never) and iv (very ofttimes).

For example:

In the last calendar month, how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly?

In the concluding month, how ofttimes have you lot felt nervous and "stressed"?

Life Events and Difficulties Schedule (LEDS) and Stress and Adversity Inventory (STRAIN)

LEDS is a structured interview used to assess stressor exposure over a lifetime. Information technology has since been turned into an online version known as STRAIN (Crosswell & Lockwood, 2020).

"Both measures provide a comprehensive cess of stressor exposures across the lifespan" (Crosswell & Lockwood, 2020, p. 2) and tin be valuable for enquiry and therapy.

Stress Mastery Questionnaire (SMQ)

The American Institute of Stress offers the SMQ equally an online self-assessment of stress hazard.

The results, plus a 66-page Stress Mastery Guide and Workbook, provide a personalized stress risk profile that can help you lead a less stressed, more enjoyable life.

Best Stress-Relief Tools From PositivePsychology.com

Y'all'll find a range of powerful stress-related interventions and assessment tools available throughout our site. Cheque out the following for some of our favorites:

  • Radical Credence of a Distressing State of affairs
    This worksheet presents a sequence of eleven questions to help clients reflect on a electric current or past sad state of affairs and work toward radically accepting the reality of that event.
  • Changing Physical Habits
    This worksheet helps clients reflect on their vulnerabilities and routines surrounding aspects of their physical health and consider steps to develop healthier habits.
  • Coping With Stress
    This two-part do invites clients to listing experienced physiological and emotional symptoms of stress and brainstorm strategies to reduce, cope with, or eliminate these sources of stress.
  • Coping: Stressors and Resource
    This worksheet helps clients identify by, present, and hereafter stressors and link them with coping resources they tin use to overcome them.
  • Squeeze and Release
    This group activity helps participants discover the energizing potential of positive stress, known as eustress, which can help improve motivation, performance, and emotional wellbeing.
  • 13 Stress-Relief Books Near the Science of Managing Anxiety
    This article provides an fantabulous selection of stress-relief books.
  • 17 Stress & Burnout Prevention Exercises
    If you're looking for more scientific discipline-based ways to aid others manage stress without spending hours on research and session prep, check out this drove of 17 validated stress-direction tools for practitioners. Use them to help others identify signs of burnout and create more balance in their lives.

A Take-Dwelling house Bulletin

Our concrete and mental wellbeing, piece of work environment, and the demands of our chore all touch our degree of stress. They as well influence our performance and productivity in the workplace.

Reducing stressors and managing their touch by adopting constructive coping mechanisms assistance usa regain a sense of control (Quick & Henderson, 2016).

According to Angela Armstrong (2019), stress is a choice. Appropriate workplace stress management (personal and organizational) helps u.s. identify ways to control what we can and learn how to meet things differently when we cannot.

With the right mindset, seeing stress as enhancing, we tin increase our motivation and see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than debilitating obstacles (Crum et al., 2013).

There are powerful tools to aid. In recent years, mindfulness in particular has become increasingly popular for stress reduction, helping individuals to face up situations "in an accepting, nonjudgmental manner" (Tetrick & Winslow, 2015, p. 8).

Why not review some strategies, techniques, and tools in this article and identify what tin can aid you, your employees, or your clients manage the impact of stress or plough information technology into something positive and life enhancing?

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don't forget to download our three Stress & Burnout Prevention Exercises (PDF) for free.

  • Armstrong, A. (2019). Resilience lodge: Daily success habits of long-term loftier performers. Rethink Press.
  • Bregman, P. (2014). A applied plan when you feel overwhelmed. In HBR guide to managing stress at work (pp. 27–50). Harvard Business Review Press.
  • Cohen, S. (1994). Perceived Stress Scale. Listen Garden. Retrieved September 1, 2021, from https://www.mindgarden.com/documents/PerceivedStressScale.pdf
  • Cohen, S., & Williamson, G. (1988). Perceived stress in a probability sample of the United States. In Southward. Spacapan & S Oskamp (Eds.), The social psychology of wellness. Sage.
  • Crosswell, A. D., & Lockwood, K. G. (2020). All-time practices for stress measurement: How to measure psychological stress in health research. Wellness Psychology Open up, seven(two).
  • Crum, A., & Crum, T. (2018). Stress tin be a good affair if you know how to use it. In HBR's ten must reads: On mental toughness (pp. 71–75). Harvard Business Review Press.
  • Crum, A. J., Salovey, P., & Achor, S. (2013). Rethinking stress: The role of mindsets in determining the stress response. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(4), 716–733.
  • Hallowell, E. K. (2014). Overloaded circuits. In HBR guide to managing stress at piece of work (pp. 27–l). Harvard Business Review Press.
  • Hargrove, M. B., Quick, J. C., Nelson, D. L., & Quick, J. D. (2011). The theory of preventive stress management: A 33-yr review and evaluation. Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress, 27(3), 182–193.
  • Niemiec, R. (2019). Strength-based workbook for stress relief: A grapheme strengths approach to finding calm in the chaos of daily life. New Straw.
  • Quick, J., & Henderson, D. (2016). Occupational stress: Preventing suffering, enhancing wellbeing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Wellness, 13(v), 459.
  • Schwartz, T., & McCarthy, C. (2014). Manage your free energy non your time. Harvard Business Review Printing.
  • Shapiro, S. Fifty. (2020). Rewire your mind: Find the science + practice of mindfulness. Aster.
  • Tetrick, L. Eastward., & Winslow, C. J. (2015). Workplace stress direction interventions and health promotion. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2(1), 583–603.


Source: https://positivepsychology.com/workplace-stress-management/

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